Friday 3 May 2013

Don't mow the chillies....

Mr is a big fan of chillies, so I planted a couple of varieties this year. The hottest are the Habanero chillies. I learned a very valuable lesson last week, DON'T MOW THE CHILLIES!!!!

Before I put the lawn mower away for the winter, I thought I'd give the lawn one last trim. I was being a bit slack, and couldn't be bothered lifting the chilli plants that were growing over the edge of the veggie garden, out of the way. So I just gave them a trim with the lawn mower too. Big mistake. It was like I'd been hit with Capsicum Spray (not that I've every been in a riot and had the police use it on me, of course). Mr was a good 6 meters of more away and he could feel it too.

Needless to say that put an end to the mowing, and the catcher stayed firmly attached to the mower.

These chillies are from the garden too. I can only just stand them, so there is no way I'm putting the Habanero any where near my mouth.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Oxley Plains book launch

On the weekend, I had the pleasure of attending a book launch. Not your average bad wine and boring speeches sort of book launch though.  You either had to be a mountain goat or have a four wheel drive vehicle to get there!

"About A Mile Away - The Heritage of the Oxley Plains" has been put together by a group of locals to commemorate the naming of "Oxley Plains & Forest" by explorers Hume & Hovell in 1824. It's full of stories and photos from early settler families, along with families that immigrated to the area  following 2nd world war.

There was heaps of chatter, with the common conversation along the lines of ...Ohhh so we must be related then....

But the real star of the day was the view. What a view! Well worth the climb.

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