Tuesday 21 August 2012

I'm On A Treasure Hunt

My crafting and gardening has taken a back set over the last few weeks. You see I'm on a treasure hunt of sorts. I've become some what obsessed with family history.

It started back at Christmas time when I was presented with a box of bits and pieces that had belonged to an aunt. So with the older generation now all in their 70's and 80's, I decided it was time I ask lots of questions and get their stories down.

So what have I found out so far?

- The family story of a convict ancestor transported to Australia for stealing roofing nails, hasn't been proven YET!

- Children "born out of wedlock" is not a modern day event.

- Despite my great grandmother's insistence, there is no "blue blood" in the family.

- An ancestor found gold and was worth the equivalent of 350 years of the average yearly wage at the time of the his death in the 1890's. And before your ask, it's not in my bank account!

What I have loved are the fashions being worn in some of the photos. I know the exposure time needed in the old photo's meant they had to stand still for a long time, but do you think they ever smiled?


  1. Do you think that little boy ended up in therapy after being dressed like that!!
    Family history is great - I hope you dig up some treasures.

  2. Lucky you being handed a box full of goodies. What fantastic photos and stories. Pity about the gold not being handed down!!

  3. Time well spent, and never wasted


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